Pop Will Eat Itself

1986 (38 let)

Místo založení:
Stourbridge, Velká Británie

Chapter 22
Cherry Red Records
Infectious Records
Music on Vinyl
[no label]

Externí odkazy:


Interpret Pop Will Eat Itself zde ještě nemá svůj životopis. Můžete se přihlásit nebo zaregistrovat a doplnit jej. Za vloženou biografii získáte pět bodů do svého profilu a zároveň pomůžete rozšířit tuto databázi.



Bulletproof! , Bulletproof , Bulletproof! , (The Mile High And No Half Measures Mixes Of) Bulletproof! (Is Everybody Happy?) , Karmadrome / Eat Me Drink Me Love Me Kill Me , Karmadrome , Karmadrome , Karmadrome / Eat Me! Drink Me! Love Me! Kill Me!


92°F , 92°F , X Y & Zee , X Y & Zee , X Y & Zee , 92°F


Dance of the Mad , Dance of the Mad , Dance of the Mad , Dance of the Mad , Touched By The Hand Of Cicciolina (Replay) , Touched by the Hand of Cicciolina , Touched by the Hand of Cicciolina , Touched by the Hand of Cicciolina , Another Man's Rhubarb / 92° , Dance of the Mad , Dance of the Mad


Wise Up! Sucker , Wise Up! Sucker (This Is Pop Will Eat Itself On 10" Remix) , Wise Up! Sucker , Wise Up! Sucker , Can U Dig It? , Can U Dig It?


Def.Con.One , There Is No Love Between Us Anymore , There Is No Love Between Us Anymore , Def.Con.One , Def.Con.One


Beaver Patrol , Love Missile F1-11 (Designer Grebo! Megamix) , Love Missile F1-11 , Love Missile F1-11 , Sweet Sweet Pie